Faith Christian Academy

Faith Christian Academy

Saturday, April 13, 2013 - 1:00pm



Faith Christian Academy Benefit Auction

Location;511 West Main Street Wilmot Ohio, 44689.


  Friday Night April 12, Haystack Supper @ 4 P.M.. Inspiration  singing @ 6:30 P.M.

 Auction Saturday April 13,  @ 9:00 A.M.

Items included; 48”Scag walk behind mower,48”Snapper Pro walk behind mower, 52” Exmark Zero turn mower,60”Fast track Hustler Zero turn mower ,Tro Bilt tiller, Saber gas grill, Yamaha EF 2000 inverter   generator, Stihl chain saws-leaf blowers-and trimmers, 2 ton Eco brick, fire pit, fire extinguishers, Oak & Cherry furniture, Bedroom suite, recliner, Lawn & garden tools, 5’x 8’ trailer, Quilts, Comforters, Certificates, AB&D tent rental gift certificate, Air Plane ride with dinner certificate, lots more gift certificates, household items, limestone, tools, crafts, and much more.

Note; Faith Christian Academy is located in Wilmot, Ohio, and began as a combined effort of several area Mennonite congregations in 1992. The current student body represents 19 congregations in Tuscarawas, Holmes, Wayne, and Stark County area. FCA is dedicated to providing a quality education in Christian atmosphere. Auction Pictures will be on I.D.7788

Food;  BBQ chicken, bake sale, fry pies and much more.

Terms; Cash, check, Visa or Master card with proper I.D.

Auc  Auctioneers; Steve Chupp & Curt Yoder  
