Miller farm auction
Miller farm auction
Miller Farm Sale
Located at 2536 Durstine Rd Dundee, OH 44624. Direction from Mt Eaton take, Winesburg Rd South approximately 1.5 south to Durstine Rd go West to location. Or from Winesburg take US 62 north to County Rd 186 continue north to Durstine Rd make a left to location.
Saturday May 30 2015 At 9:00 A.M.
Farm Equipment, Tools, Antiques, household and more.
Items included; Deutz 5 cylinder 90 HP engine, 371 Detroit diesel engine/ 80 Hours,24” Avery thrashing machine W/ grain thrower, 268 New Holland bailer, MCD 8 ft. grain binder, MCD #7 mower needs work, MCD corn binder, 2 row corn planter, 7’x16’ flatbed wagon w/Hochstetler gear, 2 small corn sheller, feed grinder, kicker tedder, walking plow, spring tooth harrow, Pioneer Spike tooth harrow, New Idea hay loader, New Idea hay rake, JD hay rake field sprayer, MCD #5 silo filler for corn shredder,, potato plow, scalding trough, feed cart, can cart, garden disc., garden planter,(7)- SS milk cans,(2) SS strainers,(2) sets of draft harnesses, 1 horse sleigh, surrey, open buggy working head pump jack, 10 x 14 storage barn, junk pile and more.
Household & Misc., Dining room table, Seth Thomas wall clock, Daisy Churn, firewood box, chalk boards, school desks, Berry sets, Moon & Star dishes, SS roaster, pie safes, old books, cup collection, rocking chair, lots of dishes and more.
Sam Miller Items; (150) oil lamps,(35) pocket watches, Yankee & Miller Fall breast drills, (3) old mantel clocks, pen collection, egg baskets, canning jars, belt lacer, Lifetime coffee makers, Singer sewing machine, log chains, lots of hand tools and more.
Terms; Cash or Check with proper I.D.
Lunch stand
Owners ; Andy E & Anna Miller and Sam Miller 2536 Durstine Rd Dundee,OH 44624
Auctioneers; Steve Chupp and Aden Yoder.