Miller Auction
Miller Auction
Miller Auction
Location; 7401 East Moreland Rd. Fredericksburg Ohio 44627. Direction from the east edge of Apple Creek take S. Carr Rd. 94A south to East Moreland Road make a right to location.
Friday June 3, @ 4:00 P.M.
Farm Equipment, Antiques, Households, and Misc. items.
Farm Equip.,New Idea No. 10 manure spreader like new, spike tooth harrow, disc, grain Binder, 3 point blade, slip scoop, cement mixer, 2 old buggies, farm hack, surrey, harnesses, collars, horse eveners, mower knifes, wagon tongues, and more.
Antiques and Misc.Mail Pouch thermometer, cross cut saws, wooden chicken coop, chicken waterer, wire egg baskets, Quaker State oil cans, cream separator, platform scales, corn sheller, hand corn planter, old church benches, wooden barrels, push cultivator, chick heater, pump jacks, porch post, window shutters, wooden ladders, wooden pulleys, old windows and doors, double sink, old strap door hinges, hay knifes, Harpoons, snow fence, lots of old hand tools, slate hammer, sledges, concrete tools, old funnels, bench vise, bench grinder, old door tracks, old thrash machine knifes, fuel oil heating stove, old hand planes, old milk cans, old wooden ladders, old wash tub, old baby carriage, Western Flyer wagon, old trunk, buss saw blade, pump up torch, crocks, and much more.
Household Items; drop leaf table w/5 leaves, Kenmore treadle sewing machine, quilt frame, couch, love seat, chairs, Deacons bench, folding bench, old wood & coal box, glass jars, old bottles, wicker baskets, wooden Iron board, Coleman 2 burner camp stove, frame for making rugs, shoe repair irons, glass rolling pin, old tins, gas & oil lanterns, kerosene heater, egg scale, tomato cages, wooden cradle, Lifetime veggie cutter, Maytag wringer washer, bottle capper, warm morning heat stoves, weed eaters, Home lite chain saw, reel mowers, and more.
Boat & Misc.1976 Seastar fiber glass 15 ft. boat with 25 HP Johnson motor, rod & reels, misc. fishing equipment, large wooden spools with cable, junk pile and more.
Note;Lots of good items in this one. The list is only a partial list for what is here. Anything could show up here. Auction will be held under a tent. Pictures posted on I.D. 7788. We will sell Farm Equipment items at 6 P.M.
Terms;Cash or check with proper I.D.
Lunch stand.
Sale by Order of Mrs. Sanford( Susie) Miller- P.O.A. Dan Miller
Assisting auctioneers, Eli Troyer and apprentice auctioneer Kevin Lehman
Cash or Check with Proper ID