Dundee Firemans Benefit auction
Dundee Firemans Benefit auction
Dundee Fireman’s Benefit Auction and Festival
Location; The auction will be held at the school house in Dundee.
The Dundee Fire Department is having their annual Auction/Festival on July 19th and 20th. The food line opens at 4:00 P.M. both days. Good Food, Children’s games. Chicken BBQ Saturday night only.
Friday Night auction at 5:30.,Wagon rides, Karaoke after auction.
Saturday Night BBQ chicken, Music, Cleveland Clinic life Flight at 5:30, Liberated Band performs at 7 P.M., Corn Hole tournament starts at 5:30.
This is a partial list of auction items: , E Bike – Magnum Vi 6, poly rocker, large elevated hunting blind, truck load of fire wood, stihl chainsaw (Many Stihl products), Beechy’s pony cart+pony+harness, Enviro Brick, Bull Country Compost Products, hanging quarters of beef from Baltic Meats, Yamaha Inverter Generator, Adirondack chairs.
Note; To donate an item for our auction please call: Joseph Miller 330-340-7788 or BJ Grimm 330-340-0640.
Terms; Cash or check with proper ID.
Assisting auctioneer, Robert Miller and Eli Troyer
Terms; Cash or check with proper ID.